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Selectmen Minutes, December 11, 2007
December 11, 2007

Present at the meeting that was held at the Town Building were Chairman Stephen Dungan and Selectmen Kathleen Farrell, Jason Robart, and Ellen Sturgis.

Selectman Thomas Ruggiero was absent.

Also present were Town Administrator William Wrigley and Administrative Assistant Susan McLaughlin.

Mr. Dungan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Public Input

Chairman’s Comments
Mr. Dungan said that the discussion on the Land Use Task Force membership scheduled later in the meeting would not be held, given that four people had already applied for appointment under the current posting. Therefore, the Board would proceed using the posted membership criteria.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Wrigley reported that “Swift 911,” the Town’s new emergency notification system, worked well to notify residents of the Town Meeting cancellation during the snowstorm. To sign up for the service or make changes to contact information conveniently, a form is now available on the Town website.

He updated the Board on the situation at 110 Maple Street, following the Board’s finding that two Bullmastiffs were vicious dogs.

Master Plan Update
Marcia Rising, chairman of the Master Planning Committee, reported the project status to the Board. She distributed a draft plan, dated 10/30/07, and said the committee is pulling together the final details. The priorities are the same as those of the earlier plan. The committee supports the creation of a “Town Planner” position, also referred to as a Community Development Manager, proposed by the Town Administrator and recommended by Margie Lynch at Town Meeting. The Town cannot depend on volunteers for this large a project.

She described the process going forward:
·       January – Committee meets to discuss having a professional planner.
·       February or March – Committee holds a joint boards meeting.
·       After March – Committee holds public forums and seeks approval by the Planning Board.
·       June 30 – Complete.

Asked if the committee will recommend priorities across the major segments (as within segments is already done and helpful), it was suggested that cross-segment prioritization be part of the
implementation plan done by the selectmen. The Board asked Ms. Rising to include an executive summary in the plan.

Town Administrator’s Report, continued
Mr. Wrigley finished his activities report with an update on the John Egan matter, on which the Executive Session will be held. Briefly describing the case, which began in 2002, he said it appears this might be the end.

Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2007: Ms. Sturgis moved to accept the minutes, as submitted; Mr. Dungan seconded; and all voted in favor.

December 3, 2007: Mr. Robart moved to accept the minutes, as submitted; Ms. Sturgis seconded; and all voted in favor.

December 5, 2007: Ms. Farrell moved to accept the minutes, as amended; Ms. Sturgis seconded, and all voted in favor.

2008 License Approvals
Liquor licenses – Mr. Dungan read the following list of liquor license renewal applicants:  Air Field Café, Ye Olde Beef ‘n Ale, Stow Food Services, Butternut Farms Golf Club, Wedgewood Pines Golf Club, Stowaway Golf Club, Russell’s Convenience, Ken’s Liquor Shoppe, and Colonial Spirits.

Ms. Sturgis moved to approve the 2008 Liquor licenses, as read; Ms. Farrell seconded; and all voted in favor.

Common Victualer licenses – Mr. Dungan read the following list of Common Victualer renewal applicants (that are not also liquor license holders): Dunkin’ Donuts (Shopping Center), Dunkin’ Donuts (626 Great Road), Domino’s Pizza, Stow Café, Papa Gino’s, and Stow House of Pizza.

Ms. Farrell moved to approve the 2008 Common Victualer licenses, as read; Mr. Robart seconded; and all voted in favor.

Class II Used Auto licenses – Mr. Dungan read the following list of Class II renewal applicants:
Apexx Automotive Enterprises, Artisan Automotive, Auto Support Engineering, Carel Ward, Concord Fuels of Stow, Hudson Road Auto, Import Export of Boston, John Maguire, Patterson Auto Body, Sales Approach, and Stow Classics. Ms. McLaughlin stated that Scott Sanford, owner of Apexx Automotive, owed taxes to the Town, which should be paid before renewing the license.

Ms. Sturgis moved to approve the 2008 Class II licenses, as read, except for Apexx Automotive; Mr. Robart seconded; and all voted in favor.

Ms. Sturgis moved to approve the 2008 Class II license for Apexx Automotive, subject to payment of taxes in arrears; Mr. Robart seconded; and all voted in favor.

The Board signed all of the licenses. Ms. McLaughlin will notify Mr. Sanford of the Board’s decision.

Order of Taking for Fairway Drive and Indian Ridge Road
Following Town Meeting vote to accept the two streets as public ways, the Board approved the Orders of Taking.

Ms. Sturgis moved to approve the Order of Taking for Fairway Drive; Ms. Farrell seconded; and all voted in favor.

Ms. Sturgis moved to approve the Order of Taking for Indian Ridge Road; Ms. Farrell seconded; and all voted in favor.

The Board signed the orders and Ms. McLaughlin notarized the signatures.

Lower Village Committee Request on Property
The Board discussed a request from the Lower Village Committee to support its plans for Town land abutting the Shoemaker property and to contact the affected property owners. Members were unclear on the selectmen’s role, where the Lower Village Committee and Planning Board were already involved. It was also noted that two families are involved in the property being considered and the Town should directly speak with them for their comments and concerns.

Mr. Dungan agreed to take the questions to the next day’s Lower Village Committee meeting.

Conservation Commission Request on Assabet Dam Project
The Board discussed a request from the Conservation Commission regarding a study of the Assabet River water quality. Per the Commission’s request, Ms. Farrell moved to support the Conservation Commission by sending a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers asking that Stow be represented on the working group. Mr. Dungan seconded; and all voted in favor. Mr. Dungan volunteered to send the letter.

Selectmen’s Master Planning
Mr. Robart and Ms. Sturgis presented their model for long-range planning, defining five primary areas of planning need: education, social services, land, infrastructure and facilities, and economic development. The question is how to turn the Master Plan into an action plan for these critical areas.

Parts of the planning process could include a having Community Development Director, using public forums, like those use by the school building task force, and learning the budget impacts and planning long-term through the budget. Major initiatives noted are a senior center, school, and fire station. Ms. Sturgis is concerned that the Master Plan does not have a major section for education.

Immediate steps are to digest the current Master Plan and decide if it is viable to employ a Community Development Director. Mr. Wrigley pointed members to his last activities report, which includes the state statutes and plan elements, the first and last of which are key. Using this information to review the Master Plan can provide a road to establish policies and procedures for implementation.

It was agreed that the Board would read the plan for the January 8 meeting.

Liaison Reports
Lower Village: Mr. Dungan said that the committee will ask the Board to act on the one-way strip of road. Board members were concerned that closing it might create problems for the 18-wheelers delivering to the stores.

Red Acre Road speed zone: Mr. Dungan said that, speaking for Mr. Ruggiero in his absence, he is not inclined to revisit the Board’s decision on speed zones, as requested by Mr. Graf, unless there is new information to be considered. Others agreed. It was decided that Mr. Wrigley would ask Sgt. Lima and Superintendent Clayton to respond to the Board with more specificity on their recommendations.  

Elementary School Building Committee: Ms. Sturgis said the SBA contacted Michael Wood to say that Stow is still on “a” list for funding, just not on “this” list, the one published in the newspapers. Stow is still eligible for FY08 funding.

Following Mr. Wood’s and other regional superintendents’ meeting with the MSBA, he said the MSBA does not yet understand regional school districts. In January, Stow will meet with the MSBA on this new category, “regional assessment list.” The ESBC decided to hold its vote on hiring the Owner’s Project Manager until after that meeting.

Executive Session on Egan Litigation Strategy
At approximately 8:50 p.m., Mr. Dungan moved to adjourn Open Session and convene in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Egan litigation strategy, and not to return to Open Session following the Executive Session. Ms. Farrell seconded and all voted in favor by roll-call vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan McLaughlin
Administrative Assistant, Board of Selectmen

Approved as amended, January 8, 2008